This is an informal meeting between the groups of Nice (Côte d'Azur University) and Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ and IMPA) working on different aspects of mathematical theory of turbulence. The goal is to share ideas and perspectives for future research.
Hugo Saraiva Tavares (UFRJ)
Some numerical aspects of miscible and partially miscible viscous fingering phenomena
Erika Ortiz (IMPA)
Searching self-similar blowups in logarithmic lattice models for ideal flow
Nicolas Valade (Côte d'Azur University)
Refined observations of SQG turbulence
André Luís Peixoto Considera (IMPA)
Lagrangian dispersion in multifractal random flows
Julia Domingues Lemos (UFRJ)
Machine learning aided closures of turbulence models
Ciro S. Campolina (Côte d'Azur University)
Are boundary layer detachments spontaneously stochastic?
Jeremie Bec and Simon Thalabard (Côte d'Azur University), Alexei A. Mailybaev (IMPA)